Category Archives: Wednesdays Inspiration

Rose Bowl Flea Market

Rose Bowl Flea Market

I went to the Rose Bowl Flea Market a couple of weeks back.  The Flea Market is held every second Sunday of the month rain or shine.  It’s in Pasadena, California so it’s mostly shine.  In fact, even in winter I wear sunscreen and bring a big bottle of water. At the flea I was inspired and managed to purchase almost more than I can carry. Below are some photos proving I’m no photographer–but fun stuff anyway! 







So Grateful My First Ever Art Journal Share


My first Art Journal post and my first PUBLIC Art Journal display.  Wow!  I had no idea the pressure I would feel trying to pick the first public appearance of my art journaling (I had tons of pages to choose from).  I have been of the mind that my art journal is for me and not for my friends, family or students, but really if anyone ever asked I shared my pages and sometimes when I was especially pleased I would share my page out of pure joy.  And of course during family art journal time we all see what each other creates.  Okay, so all that being said I picked the below image as my first Art Journal post as it sums up how I feel most about my creativity and ability to grow and share.  It is certainly not my best art journal page but really art journaling isn’t about good or bad it’s about creating pure and simple.  So, here’s my first every art journal share…




PS I am not sure when this page was created I think spring 2013.  Possibly even for a Life Book Prompt.  If it is from a Life Book Prompt every intent is made to give credit where credit is due.  Thanks.

Valentine’s Day Inspiration–Heart Home Decor

Valentine’s Day Inspiration–Heart Home Decor

Check it out.  I attended a Seaside Soiree put on by the lovely Elena Etcheverry of Charity Wings, in November 2014.  It was an awesome event.  I promise to post sometime in the future all the amazing art I made.  What does this have to do with Heart Home Décor?  Well one of the workshops was put on by the illustrious Ruth Rae.  She taught a really cool class whereby we created a wall hanging box from flat cardboard, plaster cast material, paint and wax (plus embellishments). I love, love, loved the class.  Fast forward a couple of busy months.  Late January 2015 was the first opportunity I had to design a piece using Ruth Rae’s techniques.  Here it is.

Finished Heart Box Home Decor

Here are some images of this beauty’s creation

photo 1 (2)        Drying hearts

After I shaped the heart from an old cardboard box, I covered it in layers of plaster cast.  I allowed the heart to dry– it took 4 days.  Then I painted it with four different colors of red and pink acrylic paint.  I used Liquitex Crimson heavy bodied paint, 2 craft paints and Golden’s magenta.  Then I highlighted the heart with Golden’s burnt umber paint and black, silver and gold acrylic crafters paint.  Once that was dry I covered the whole heart in a few layers of wax.  After each application of wax I wiped it off with a paper towel.  I was looking to create a heart with textural depth.  The sheen from the wax adds to the overall effect.

Next I inserted the vial.  I found this lovely decorative vial at Michael’s.  I added shredded book paper from an old book I love.  I attached the vial using metal wrapping techniques I learned from Jen Cushman (My technique still has a lot to be desired).

Heart detail image

Loved the process!  Love the results.  This is one piece of home décor art I am proud to have created.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

